Healthy ‘n Delicious Rusks

I have many recipes for rusks but these are the ones I always come back to.  I got this recipe from a South African magazine many years ago (Your Family – May 1987).  It was runner-up in a competition to find the best rusks and it is a definite winner in my opinion.  It is versatile as you can tweak the ingredients to suit what you have in the pantry.  For example you can use sunflower seeds instead of flaxseeds, you can add a handful of dried fruit such as raisins, currants or sultanas, or you can substitute any dry cereal for the muesli.

Healthy 'n Delicious Rusks

1 kg self-raising flour

8 ml baking powder

8 ml salt

250 ml muesli

250 ml digestive bran

100 g raisins (optional)

100 g sultanas (optional)

100 ml sesame seeds or flaxseeds (or both)

300 ml coconut

375 ml brown sugar

500 ml plain yoghurt or buttermilk

500 g butter or margarine, melted

2 large eggs, beaten

Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well.  Add the yoghurt/buttermilk and melted butter/margarine to the beaten eggs, add to dry ingredients and mix well.  Press dough in a greased roasting pan or two large oven trays.  Sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired.

Bake at 180 C until golden brown (about 50 minutes in roasting pan or 40 minutes in oven trays).

Cut into rusks and spread out on oven trays.  Leave to dry out in the warming drawer overnight (or in the oven for about 5 hours at 100 C).

Makes about 64

Welcome to my very first Blog!

I decided to start this blog as I am a keen baker.  Because of this I decided to bake for a Home Industry which I did for about a year.  It was hard work and eventually it took all the joy out of baking when I was in the kitchen sometimes for 14 hours at a time.

I now bake only when I entertain,  or when I want to keep the biscuit barrel full (hence the name of my blog!).  I have collected recipes for about 40 years and have a huge collection of recipe books and magazine pages in dozens of files.

Bear with me if there is not much to look at in the beginning but I would like to photograph the end results and this will take time as I won’t be baking every day.  Eventually I might expand with savoury dishes as well but this is a start.  Feel free to leave any comments!

This blogging business is new to me (and entails a huge learning curve!) so bear with me until I get it the way I want it.

Having said that, watch out for my first recipe which is my favourite rusk recipe.